Mulligan Employee Directory
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- School Numbers and Contact Info
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Nicholas Acevedo
School Safety
Charles A. Mulligan Elementary School
Mrs. Janine Alfalla
Elementary Teacher
Charles A. Mulligan Elementary School
631-348-5000 Ext. 5552
Ms. Briana Alfonso
Elementary Teacher
Charles A. Mulligan Elementary School
Mrs. Yohanny Alvarado
Elermentary Teacher
Charles A. Mulligan Elementary School
631-348-5000 Ext. 5807
Mrs. Carla Barker
Elementary Teacher
Charles A. Mulligan Elementary School
Oscar Bonilla Flores
School Teacher Aide
Charles A. Mulligan Elementary School
Mrs. Lisa Bonsignore
Elementary Teacher
Charles A. Mulligan Elementary School
631-348-5000 Ext. 5504
Mrs. Michaella Bussey
Music Teacher
Charles A. Mulligan Elementary School
516-348-5000 Ext 2564
Mrs. Thalia Calle
Elementary Teacher
Charles A. Mulligan Elementary School
631-348-5000 Ext. 3579
Ms. Teresa Campbell
Elementary Teacher
Charles A. Mulligan Elementary School
631-348-5000 Ext. 5560
Ms. Marilyn Cardona Nunez
Senior Office Assistant
Charles A. Mulligan Elementary School
631-348-5000 Ext. 1019
Mrs. Denise Carro
Elementary Teacher
Charles A. Mulligan Elementary School
631-348-5000 Ext. 4513
Tara Castellanos
School Teacher Aide
Charles A. Mulligan Elementary School
Ms. Vanessa Castellanos
Social Worker
Charles A. Mulligan Elementary School
631-348-5000 Ext. 4015
Geraldine Chan
Elementary Teacher
Charles A. Mulligan Elementary School
631-348-5000 Ext. 2655
Karla Chavez
School Teacher Aide
Charles A. Mulligan Elementary School
Ms. Kelly Clancy
Elementary Teacher
Charles A. Mulligan Elementary School
631-348-5000 Ext. 3512
Stephanie Colato
Office Assistant
Charles A. Mulligan Elementary School
631-348-5000 Ext. 4002
Mrs. Jerilyn Colon
Elementary Teacher
Charles A. Mulligan Elementary School
631-348-5000 Ext. 3513
Mrs. Isabel Concepcion
Elermentary Teacher
Charles A. Mulligan Elementary School
631-348-5000 Ext. 4600