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Attendance Policy

Tardiness/ Early Departure:

  1. Parents must sign students in/out or provide student s with a note explaining tardiness or early departure.
  2. Student’s reasons for Tardiness/Early Departure will be assessed (excused, unexcused as per definitions).
  3. 3 or more unexcused Tardiness/Early Departures parents will be notified by the Social Worker.


Please call the School's Main Office on the first day of absence.

  1. Students must provide a note of absence to the Main Office upon returning to school.
  2. All notes must include the date and reason(s) for absence.
  3. Three or more consecutive absences require a doctor’s note.  Please note, request for homework will be honored for three or more consecutive absences only.  Requests can be made by calling the school's main office or speaking to your child's teacher(s). 

NOTE: Students with chronic attendance and tardiness problems will be reported to the social worker, the district attendance office, and the appropriate social/legal agency.


  • Sanctioned School activities/field trips
  • Medical excuses
  • Legal/Attorney/Family Court/Incarceration/Attorney or court officer.
  • Death/Funeral
  • Religious observances
  • Impassable roads or weather
  • Quarantine
  • Approved college visits
  • Military obligations

To qualify for "EXCUSED absent" status, students must furnish appropriate written documentation upon their return to school.


Absences not mentioned above are interpreted under the law as "unexcused absences" including but not limited to vacation, shopping, babysitting, over-sleeping, needed at home, cold weather or missing the bus.  Any reason not listed as excused shall be deemed unexcused unless the Building Principal determines otherwise.

Excused ATEDs (Absences, Tardiness, and Early Departures) are defined as absences, tardiness, and early departures from class or school due to personal illness, illness or death in the family, impassable roads or weather, religious observance, quarantine, required court appearances, attendance at health clinics, approved college visits, approved cooperative work programs, military obligations, or such other reasons as may be approved.

All other are considered unexcused absences.  All ATEDs (Absences, Tardiness, and Early Departures) must be accounted for.  It is the parent’s responsibility to notify the school office within at least 24 hours of the ATED (Absences, Tardiness, and Early Departure) and to provide a written excuse upon the student’s return to school.

The compulsory education law of New York requires the attendance of every student between the ages of 6 and 16. The only legal reasons for absence are illness or death in the family, doctor’s quarantine, court appearance, impassable roads, and attendance at religious services.

Steps to follow when absent:

  • Have a parent or guardian phone the school and inform the office of your absence on the day of absence.
  • Have a parent or guardian write an excuse note giving your name, date, days of absence and his/her signature.
  • Ask your teachers for make-up assignments.
  • Assignments that are not made up will be reflected in your grade.
  • If your absence is due to work, travel, or some other reason, parents or guardians should notify the school prior to the absences. The student is responsible for make-up work.
  • Perfect attendance awards will be issued at year end.

Central Islip School District Attendance Policy


Step 1: Central sends out a letter to all the parents – August


Step 2: 

  • ELEMENTARY by Homeroom Teacher - First letter goes from the school 3 - 5absences (non - consecutive)
  • SECONDARY done by individual teachers - First letter goes from the school 3 - 5 absences (non - consecutive) parent is called by attendance clerical

Step 3:  Main Office Attendance Clerical 5 – 7 absences (non - consecutive), a letter goes out (found in Power School)

Step 4:  Social Worker and or Attendance Officer 7 – 8 absences, (non - consecutive) SW gets involved and 1st Home Visit is made

Step 5:  Principal & Parent/Guardian meeting 8 - 10 absences, (non - consecutive) meeting is made by building Principal with the parent.  Parents will be informed that CPS will be contacted at the discretion by the principal, parents will be informed that CPS will be contacted should the student miss school again after this meeting.

Step 6:  Social Worker and or Attendance Officer 10 – 13 absences (non - consecutive), follow up call to CPS is made

Step 7:  Social Worker and or Attendance Officer 13 – 15 absences, (non - consecutive) Home Visit #2 is made

Step 8:  Principal & Parent/Guardian meeting 15 – 18 absences, (non - consecutive) another meeting is scheduled with the principal and the parent.