Code of Conduct
The Board of Education is committed to providing a safe and orderly school environment where students may receive, and district personnel may deliver, educational services without disruption or interference. Responsible behavior by students, teachers, all district personnel, parents and visitors is essential to achieving this goal.
The District has a longstanding set of expectations for conduct on school property and at school functions. These expectations are based on the principles of civility, mutual respect, citizenship, character, tolerance, honesty and integrity.
The Board recognizes the need to clearly define these expectations for acceptable conduct on school property, identify the possible consequences of unacceptable conduct, and to ensure that discipline, when necessary, is administered promptly and fairly. To this end, the Board adopts this Code of Conduct.
Unless otherwise indicated, this Code applies to all students, school personnel, parents, and other visitors when on school property attending a school function.
For purposes of this code, the following definitions apply:
- “Disruptive student” means all students under the age of 21 who are substantially disruptive of the educational process or substantially interferes with the Teachers' authority over the classroom.
- “Parent” means the biological, adoptive or foster parent, guardian or person in parental relation to a student.
- “School property” means in or within any building structure, athletic playing field, playground, parking lot or land contained within 1,000 feet of the property boundary line of any school, or in or on a school bus, as defined in Vehicle and Traffic Laws #142.
- “School function” means any school sponsored extracurricular event or activity.
- “Violent student” means a student under the age of 21 who :
- Commits an act of violence upon a school employee or threatens to do so.
- Commits, while on school property or at a school function, an act of violence upon another student or any other person lawfully on school property or at a school function, threatens or attempts to do so.
- Possesses, while on school property, or at a school function, a weapon.
- Displays, while on school property, or at a school function, what appears to be a weapon.
- Threatens, while on school property, or at a school function, to use a weapon.
- Knowingly and intentionally damages, threatens to damage or destroys the personal property of any school employee or any person lawfully on school property, or at a school function.
- Knowingly and intentionally damages or destroys school district property.
Discipline is most effective when it deals directly with the problem at the time and place it occurs, and in a way that students view as fair and impartial. School personnel who interact with students are expected to use disciplinary action only when necessary, and to place emphasis on the student’s ability to grow in self-discipline.
Disciplinary action, when necessary, will be firm, fair and consistent so as to be the most effective in changing student behavior. In determining the appropriate disciplinary action, school personnel authorized to impose disciplinary penalties will consider the following:
- The student’s age.
- The nature of the offense and the circumstances which led to the offense.
- The student’s prior disciplinary record.
- The effectiveness of other forms of discipline.
- Information from parents, teachers, and/or others, as appropriate.
- Other extenuating circumstances.
As a general rule, discipline will be progressive. This means that a student’s first violation will usually merit a lighter penalty than subsequent violations. If the conduct of a student is related to a disability, the student shall be referred to the Committee On Special Education, and discipline, if warranted, shall be administered consistent with the separate requirements of this Code of Conduct for disciplining students with a disability or presumed to have a disability. A student identified as having a disability shall not be disciplined for behavior related to his/ her disability.
PENALTIES - Students who are found to have violated the District’s Code of Conduct may be subject to the following penalties, either alone or in combination with another as defined in the student handbook. The school personnel identified after each penalty are authorized to impose that penalty, consistent with the student’s right to due process.
- Verbal warning: any member of the district staff.
- Written warning: bus drivers, hall and lunch monitors, teachers, principals, superintendent, teacher aides, teaching assistants.
- Written notification to parent: bus drivers, hall and lunch monitors, teachers, principals, superintendent, teacher aides, teaching assistants.
- Detention: teachers, principal, superintendent.
- Suspension from Transportation: principals, superintendent
- Suspension from athletic participation: coaches, athletic director, principals, superintendent.
- Suspension from social or extracurricular activities: principals, superintendent, official chaperones at events, and advisors.
- Suspensions of other privileges: principals, superintendent.
Prohibited Student Conduct
Each building principal is responsible for enforcement of student conduct in his/her school during the day. The principal may suspend students for insubordination for up to five days.
- Engage in conduct that is disorderly. Examples of disorderly conduct include, but shall not be limited to
- Running in hallways.
- Making unreasonable noise.
- Using language or gestures that are profane, lewd, vulgar or abusive.
- Engage in conduct that is insubordinate. Examples of insubordinate conduct include, but shall not be limited to:
- Failing to comply with the reasonable directions of teachers, school administrators or other school employees in charge of students or otherwise demonstrating disrespect.
- Unexcused lateness or cutting classes, truancy, missing or leaving school without permission.
- Failure to report to assigned detention or in-school suspension.
- Engage in conduct that is disruptive. Examples of disruptive conduct include, but shall not be limited to:
- Failing to comply with the directions of teachers, school administrators or other school personnel in charge of students.
- Verbal, written, or graphic statements, communications, expressions or illustrations that are threatening to person or property.
- Engage in conduct that is violent and/or rises to the level of assault as defined herein. Examples of violent conduct include, but shall not be limited to:
- Committing an act of violence (such as hitting, kicking, spitting, biting, punching or scratching) upon a teacher, administrator or other school employees, or attempting to do so.
- Committing an act of violence including assault (such as hitting, kicking, spitting, biting, punching and scratching) upon another student or any other person lawfully on school property, or attempting to do so.
- Possessing a weapon. Authorized law enforcement officials are the only persons permitted to have a weapon in their possession while on school property or at a school function.
- Displaying what appears to be a weapon.
- Threatening to use any weapon.
- Using a weapon.
- Intentionally damaging or destroying the personal property of a student, teacher, administrator, other district employee or any person lawfully on school property, including graffiti or arson.
- Intentionally damaging or destroying school district property, including graffiti or arson.
- Engage in any conduct that endangers the safety, morals, physical or mental health or welfare of others. Examples of such conduct include, but shall not be limited to:
- Lying to school personnel
- Stealing district property, the property of other students, school personnel, or any other person lawfully on school property or attending a school function
- Using vulgar or abusive language, cursing or swearing.
- Defamation, which includes making false statements or representations about an individual or identifiable group of individuals that harm the reputation of the person or the identifiable group by demeaning them.
- Discrimination, which includes the use of race, color, creed, national origin, ethnic group, religion, religious practice, sex, gender (identity and expression), sexual orientation, weight or disability as a basis for treating another in a negative manner.
- Harassment, bullying, threats or intimidation, which includes a sufficiently severe action or persistent pervasive pattern of actions or statements directed at an identifiable individual or group which are intended to be, or which a reasonable person would perceive as ridiculing, demeaning, or threatening. Harassment is also the creation of a hostile environment.
- Intimidation, threats or bullying, which includes engaging in actions or statements that put an individual in fear of bodily harm and/or emotional discomfort.
- Any form of electronic messaging that causes disruption to the educational environment (e.g. sexting, tweeting, instant messaging).
- Hazing, which includes any intentional or reckless act directed against another for the purpose of induction, initiation or membership process involving harassment
- Harassment, including overt or subtle behaviors and comments of a racial, religious, and ethnic nature that is offensive, unwelcome, interfere with another’s work or academic performance or create an intimidating, hostile or offensive working or educational environment.
- Inappropriate touching and/or indecent exposure, that is, exposure to a sight of the private parts of the body in a lewd or indecent manner.
- Sexual harassment, including overt or subtle behaviors and comments that are offensive, unwelcome, interfere with another’s work or academic performance or create an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working or educational environment.
- Selling, using or possessing obscene material.
- Smoking a cigarette, cigar, pipe, or using chewing or smokeless tobacco.
- Possessing, consuming, selling, distributing or exchanging tobacco products, alcoholic beverages or illegal substances, or being under the influence of either or being in possession of drug paraphernalia. Inappropriately using or sharing prescription and over-the-counter drugs. “Illegal substances” shall include, but are not limited to inhalants, marijuana, synthetic cannabinoids, cocaine, LSD, PCP, amphetamines, heroin, steroids, look-alike drugs and any substance commonly referred to as “designer drugs.”
- Gambling.
- Initiating a report warning of fire, bomb or other catastrophes without valid cause, misuse of 911, or discharging a fire extinguisher.
- Engage in misconduct while on a school bus.
- It is crucial for students to behave appropriately while riding on District buses, to ensure their safety and that of other passengers and to avoid distracting the bus driver. Students are required to conduct themselves on the bus in a manner consistent with established standards for classroom behavior. Unsafe behaviors such as but not limited to excessive noise, use of expletives, throwing items out of the window, vandalism, bullying, pushing, shoving, and fighting will not be tolerated.
- The cooperation of parents and pupils is essential in maintaining proper conduct at bus stops and on the school buses. School authorities may suspend the pupil from the privilege of riding on the bus because of disorderly conduct. In that event, it will be the responsibility of the parents to see that the child is in attendance at school.
- Engage in any form of academic misconduct. Examples of misconduct include, but shall not be limited to:
- Plagiarism.
- Cheating.
- Copying.
- Altering records.
- Assisting another student in any of the above actions.
- Code of Academic Integrity
The core purpose of public education is to maximize the success of each student’s learning and personal development so she/he becomes a successful part of our democratic, multi-ethnic society. To fulfill these expectations, students must be prepared to accept responsibility for their actions and the impact they may have on others. To promote these values, the foregoing Academic Code of Conduct has been established.
- Engage in off-campus misconduct that interferes with, or can reasonably be expected to substantially disrupt the educational process in the school or at a school function. Examples of such misconduct include, but are not limited to:
- Cyberbullying (i.e., inflicting willful and repeated harm through the use of electronic text).
- Threatening or harassing students or school personnel over the phone or other electronic media.
Dress Code Policy:
Students of the Central Islip Public Schools are expected to dress in a manner that is supportive of a positive learning environment that is free of distractions and disruptions. There is a direct correlation between student dress and student behavior. Students will be expected to observe modes of dress, styles of hair, and personal grooming, which support the learning environment. The purpose of this dress code is detailed in this section to assure that consistency and interpretation is implemented district-wide, thus providing equitable treatment for all students.
Students are highly encouraged to wear school uniforms. The responsibility for student dress and general appearance shall rest with individual students and parents. However, the Board of Education requires students to attend school inappropriate dress and jewelry that meet health and safety standards and do not interfere with or distract from the learning process. The Board also requires students to wear appropriate protective gear in certain classes and activities (i.e., Family and Consumer Sciences, Art, Physical Education, Athletics, Technology, Science lab). Hats, clothing, jewelry and other attire which display an expression or insignia that is obscene or libelous, that advocates prejudice or violence, that promotes the use of or advertises drugs or alcohol, that is gang-related, or deemed disruptive to the educational process is forbidden.
All students are expected to give proper attention to personal cleanliness and to dress appropriately for school and school functions. Students and their parents have the primary responsibility for acceptable student dress and appearance. Teachers and all other District personnel should exemplify and reinforce acceptable student dress and help students develop an understanding of appropriate appearance in the school setting.
A student’s dress, grooming, and appearance, including hair style/color, jewelry, make-up, and nails, shall:
- Be safe, appropriate and not disrupt or interfere with the educational process.
- Recognize that extremely revealing garments such as but not limited to, tube tops, net tops, halter tops, plunging necklines (front and/or back) and see-through garments are not appropriate.
- Ensure that undergarments are completely covered with outer clothing.
- Include footwear at all times. Footwear that is a safety hazard will not be allowed.
- Not include the wearing of hats, caps, sunglasses, bandanas, hoods, and other headgear in the school/classroom except for medical, religious, or educational reasons.
- Not include items that are vulgar, obscene, libelous, or denigrate others on account of race, color, religion, creed, national origin, gender, sexual orientation or disability.
- Not promote and/or endorse the use of alcohol, tobacco or illegal drugs and/or encourage other illegal or violent activities.