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PTA Page

Welcome! We extend a heartfelt welcome to each of you, expressing gratitude to both our new and returning Parent Teacher Association (PTA) members. Your contributions, time, and dedication to our organization, teachers, and, above all, our students are truly appreciated. The PTA offers young members the chance to effect positive change, fostering leadership skills, understanding of the legislative process, bolstering self-esteem, and promoting involvement in both school and community affairs. Year after year, our aim remains steadfast: to cultivate an enriching and productive environment for our students throughout the school year.

If you seek guidance on actively participating in your child's academic journey through membership in the Parent Teacher Association, we encourage you to speak to your child's teacher, or the school's principal, or utilize the link provided below to connect with any member of our executive board. Research shows that students whose parents engage actively in their educational experience often achieve academic success and encounter smoother navigation within the school environment.

PTA MISSION: The overall purpose of PTA is to make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children. Learn more at the National PTA's Website