Technology Support
Elementary (Students in Grades K-6) Student Support Page - A support page for all our elementary students in grades K-6.
Secondary (Students in Grades 7-12) Student Support Page - A support page for all our secondary students in grades 7-12.
Parent Support & Resources - A support page for all our parents and community members.
Support, Training and Self-Help Instructions for Faculty and Staff. Login Required
New Website Features
New Pop-Up Alert System
The number one complaint from our survey of community, staff and students was our district alert pop-ups.
The old website leveraged Google Translate to translate most of the new website. Translations were average but tedious to select a language.
Event Alerts and Reminders
The ability to receive email & text alerts for calendars and specific events.
Employee Directory
The second most popular complaint from our survey of community, staff and students was a complete lack of a Directory.
Board Policies
The ability to easily view and translate Board of Education Policies
Virtual Backpack
A place for flyers, announcements, newsletters, and letters sent home that would normally end up in the bottom of a backpack.
Superintendent's Messages
Receive email alerts anytime the Superintendent of Schools posts a new message for our community.
A brand new calendar system with the ability to print updated calendars.
Albeit following our Social Media pages or our website, we love to share all the amazing happening around Central Islip
Technology Support & Resources
After the COVID-19 Pandemic hit the Central Islip Community use of technology and devices by students changed the face of education.
Individual Data Privacy Agreements and program and/or website privacy policy links for each program and/or program can be found on our Approved Programs page linked with the associated program.