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Document Translator

You can translate documents up to 10 MB in any of these formats: .docx, .pdf, .pptx, .xlsx. PDF files must be 300 pages or less. 


  • Document translation isn’t available on smaller screens or mobile.
  • Images and/or text in images will not be translated.
  • Scanned documents or photos of documents may not translate. 
  1. In your browser, go to Google Translate.
  2. At the top, click Documents.
  3. Choose the languages to translate to and from.
    • To automatically set the original language of a document, click Detect language.
  4. Click Browse your computer.
  5. Select the file you want to translate.
  6. Click Translate and wait for the document to finish translating.
  7. Click Download translation to download your translated document.

Google Document Translator